けいはんなお豆腐狂言~笑う門には福来る!~ Enjoy KYOGEN Classic Japanese Comedy

けいはんなお豆腐狂言~笑う門には福来る!~ Enjoy KYOGEN Classic Japanese Comedy


日時 2025年2月 9日(日) 13:30 開場/ 14:00 開演
場所 メインホール
料金 【前売】一般3,000円 ぷらZO2,900円 高校生以下1,000円【当日】一般3,500円 高校生以下1,500円 円 ( 全席 指定 / 税込)


人間国宝 茂山七五三と子・孫が贈る3代親子狂言!

・ 狂言のおはなし
・ 佐渡狐
・ 棒縛り(英語字幕付き)

チラシPDF版はこちらから PDF version of the flyer is here ↓↓

title: Keihanna Otofu Kyogen ~Good fortune comes to those who laugh!~

A Japanese comedy that has been loved for 400 years
Three generations of parent-child kyogen presented by Living National Treasure Shigeyama Shime and his children and grandchildren!

・ 「狂言のおはなし」Kyogen Story
・ 「佐渡狐(Sadogitsune)」Sado Fox
・ 「棒縛り(Boushibari)」Tied to a Pole (with English subtitles)
※ Only "Boushibari" will have English subtitles. The rest will be performed in Japanese.

story:「佐渡狐(Sadogitsune)」Sado Fox
On the way to the capital to pay their annual tax, farmers from Sado and Echigo provinces meet up.
When the farmer from Sado asks the farmer from Echigo, "There are no foxes in Sado, are there?",
the farmer answers without thinking, "Yes, there are!" While paying his tax, he bribes the official,
who gives him a detailed description of what foxes look like, but...

story:「棒縛り(Boushibari)」Tied to a Pole
Tarokaja and Jirokaja are servants who love alcohol.
When the master is away, they steal and drink sake from the sake brewery,
so the master ties Jirokanja to a pole and Tarokaja with his hands behind his back before going out.
However, even though they are no longer able to move freely, the two still want to drink! So what do they do...?

【Advance ticket】General Ticket3,000円 Hall Members"PuraZO"2,900円 High school students and below 1,000円
【Tickets for today】General Ticket3,500円 High school students and below 1,500円
※Preschool children not allowed
※(All seats reserved / Tax included)


チケット発売 Ticket sales

◆けいはんなオンラインチケット Keihanna Online Ticket 

けいはんなオンラインチケット Keihanna Online Ticket
予約期間Reservation Period:12月6日(金)10:00~2月6日(木)22:00(セブンイレブンでのチケット発券は23:59まで)

◆ローソンチケット Lawson Ticket(Lコード 56415)

※ローソンでの店舗購入可能 Available at Lawson Loppi (enter L code) 販売期間Sales period:12月6日(金)10:00~2月6日(木)22:00





(株)けいはんな 事業部
TEL:0774-95-5115 (※Japanese only)